James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Alienation of Affection
Psychology Today, December 1979 (last modified 2003/11/11).
A very short summary of Dr. Prescott’s research for those who have little time
James W.Prescott, Ph.D. (2003). Our Two Cultural Brains: Neurointegrative and Neurodissociative that are formed by Pain and Pleasure Life Experiences encoded in the Developing Brain. Click HERE
Prescott, J.W. (2010) Statistical graphs showing the high correlations between infant/child mortality and homicide for the Fifty States and for the years 1930-1968. Here (PDF)
Prescott J.W. (2010) A 2004 Map by the Center For Disease Control On Breastfeeding with a superimposition of Infant Mortality data for the Year 2004 with the principle findings by this author.
90% (9/10) States With Less Than 15% of Children Breastfeeding At 12 Months Have Highest Infant Mortality Rates
83% (10/12) States With Greater Than 25% of Children Breastfeeding At 12 Months Have Lowest Infant Mortality Rates
Breastfeeding Bonding prevents infant mortality and future violence.
INFANT/CHILD HOMICIDE, BREASTFEEDING BONDING AND PARENTAL CARE http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/eletters/126/3/592
James W. Prescott, Ph.D. (2009). A Consolidation of Statistical Tables that summarize the statistical relationships and the naming of tribal cultures which document the relationships between MATERNAL Baby carrying and permitted youth sexuality with lack of violence; and the weaning age of the culture (2.5 years or greater) with absent or low suicides among these cultures. Click HERE
Prescott, J.W. (2010) Statistical graphs showing the high correlations between infant/child mortality and homicide for the Fifty States and for the years 1930-1968. Here (PDF)
2014: NICHD Chronology. Child Abuse/Neglect & Violence Research: 1962, Oct 17: PL 87-838 — April 11, 1980.
Chronology of NICHD Research Activities on Child Abuse and Neglect, established by an Act of Congress (PL 87-838), on October 17, 1962 to its termination on April 11, 1980 by the unlawful termination of Dr. James W. Prescott, as Health Scientist Administrator, Developmental Behavioral Program, NICHD who created and led the Child Abuse Research Program, NICHD is provided for those who are interested in why child abuse/ neglect and violence continues today as “one of the most extensive and chronic epidemics in the Public Health of this country.” (Surgeon General Koop, October 26, 1982). https://ttfuture.org/blog/1181/another-failed-mother-infant-bond
Chronology: NICHD Child Abuse/Neglect and Violence Research 1962-1980
Prescott, J.W. (2016.) World Ranks For Infant Mortality 2014
For the year 2014, The United States ranks 55th in having the highest infant mortality rate among the 224 Nations evaluated by the CIA – a national disgrace.
Infant mortality rate compares the number of deaths of infants under one-year-old in a given year per 1,000 live births in the same year. This rate is often used as an indicator of the level of health in a country. Click HERE for Details.
Prescott, J.W. June 2016 Two Cultural Brains A synthesis of SSAD Theory that describes the dominant role that PAIN and PLEASURE have in shaping the developing brain (1. The sub-cortical emotional-social sexual brain; that is shaped primarily by the Matrilineal Cultures (Pleasure); and 2. the neocortical rational symbolic brain that is shaped primarily by the Patrilineal Cultures (Pain) that forms the Gender Equality Equation that exist throughout the World Cultures.
http://www.violence.de/BOOKS_OF_THE_CENTURY.html #47
“There is a good principle that created order, light and man; and a bad principle that created chaos, darkness and woman.” Pythagoras (circa 582-507 B.C.) (In Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex, 1949/2009)
Prescott, J.W. June 2016 Two Cultural Brains A synthesis of SSAD Theory that describes the dominant role that PAIN and PLEASURE have in shaping the developing brain (1. The sub-cortical emotional-social sexual brain; that is shaped primarily by the Matrilineal Cultures (Pleasure); and 2. the neocortical rational symbolic brain that is shaped primarily by the Patrilineal Cultures (Pain) that forms the Gender Equality Equation that exist throughout the World Cultures.
http://www.violence.de/BOOKS_OF_THE_CENTURY.html #47
Ashley Montagu (1952). The Natural Superiority of Women
“Woman knows what true love is; let her not be tempted from her knowledge by false ideas that man has created for her to worship Woman must stand firm and be true to her own inner nature; to yield to the prevailing false conceptions of love, of unloving love, is to abdicate her great evolutionary mission to keep human beings true to themselves, to keep them from doing violence to their inner nature, to help them to realize their potentialities for being loving and cooperative. Were women to fail in this task, all hope for the future of humanity would depart from the world”.(p. 250)
http://www.violence.de/BOOKS_OF_THE_CENTURY.html #35
Sarah Blaffer Hrdy (1999). Mother Nature. A History of Mothers, Infants, and Natural Selection
http://www.violence.de/BOOKS_OF_THE_CENTURY.html #3
“I have spent my entire adult life engaged in a quest to understand not just who I am but how creatures like me came to be. That humans evolved at all is a fluke.
“Great Ape mothers carry their infants wherever they go. Fathers, by comparison, are rarely in direct contact with babies” (p.205)
“…no wild monkey or ape mother has ever been observed to deliberately harm her own baby”(p.179).
“Like many humans today, I was reared quite differently from the primates I observed in the field. Unlike the mothers in every other ape species, my own mother had no interest in carrying me everywhere… (p.xii)
Ten Principles of Mother-Infant Bonding for Health, Happiness and Harmony by James W. Prescott, Ph.D. Dr. Prescott’s concise summary of his practical recommendations for child rearing based on his research.
James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: OPINION. The challenge: achieve gender equality.
An essay devoted to the necessity of gender equality in the Congress, a necessary but insufficient condition for women to gain equality with men that has been denied by the theistic religions. It took over 144 years for women to gain the equal right to vote; it is now time to complete the remainder of the revolution: the equal right to representation in the Congress. The San Diego Union-Tribune December 10. 1995
WHO/UNICEF (1990). Innocenti Declaration. On the Protection, Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding. Florence, Italy–1 August.
American Jewish Congress Declaration “Abortion and the Sacredness of Life”. Click HERE.
David M. Levy, M.D.(1945). This case study of homicidal and suicidal rages induced by circumcision of a 6.5 year old child: “Psychic Trauma of Operations in Children”. American Diseases of Children 69(1):7-25 portrays the hidden costs of genital mutilation that affects all of society and not just the child. Click HERE.
Human Rights Before Religious Rights
James W, Prescott, Ph.D. (11th Aug. 2012)
Germany is to be commended for its defense of Human Rights in that nation’s Court’s decision in Cologne, Germany on 7 May 2012 that found the act of circumcision on a Muslim boy constituted an act of bodily harm and a criminal act. The Austrian Province Vorarlberg agreed and has suspended religious circumcision, as has two hospitals in Zurich, Switzerland, which have also suspended religious circumcision pending judicial review that will determine whether International Law and Human Rights prevails over Religious Rights and practices, as the law of the land.
An essay has been written HUMAN RIGHTS BEORE RELIGIOUS RIGHTS that defends International Law and HUMAN RIGHTS over RELIGIOUS RIGHTS. This has been communicated to Chancellor Angela Merkel, Germany; Chancellor Werner Faymann, Austria and Federal Councilor Didier Burkhalter, Switzerland who are urged to support national and International Law above religious beliefs and practices as the law of the land.
Click here for a) ESSAY;
c) Letter from BISHOP LEO T. MAHER, San Diego.
Video Clips 7.30.16
https://vimeo.com/71761209 (2mim) Roots of Violence
https://vimeo.com/69200952 (9min) Critical Need for Touch and Movement
https://vimeo.com/23540187 (24min) Bonding, Brain, the Intelligence and Play
https://vimeo.com/53895067 (12min) Interview: Origins of Love and Violence
https://vimeo.com/53895067 (12min) Sensory Deprivation of Pleasure
https://vimeo.com/53373104 (12min) History Harlow-Spitz Sensory-Emotional Deprivation
https://vimeo.com/53371737 (11min) Mendizza Interview Bonobo-2 Brains
https://vimeo.com/352399317 (Heath)