TWO CULTURAL BRAINS is a synthesis of SSAD Theory that describes the dominant role that PAIN and PLEASURE have in shaping the developing brain. THE FIRST BRAIN in evolution: The sub-cortical emotional-social sexual brain that is shaped primarily by the Matrilineal Cultures (Pleasure); and the SECOND BRAIN in evolution: the neocortical rational symbolic brain that is shaped primarily by the Patrilineal Cultures (Pain) which forms the Gender Equality Equation that exist throughout the World Cultures.
The philosophical roots of these two dimensions of life are listed under the Theistic and the Earth Religions. http://www.violence.de/prescott/letters/Two_Cultural_Brains.pdf
There are 55 Exclusively Matrilineal Cultures and 150 Exclusively Patrilineal Cultures in the 400 Culture sample of Textor (1967).
R. B. Textor, A Cross-Cultural Summary (New Haven, Conn.: Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) Press, 1967).
Exclusively Matrilineal Cultures are extinct in modern human cultures. Patrilineal/Patriarchal Cultures dominate many cultures of the modern world.
Prescott, J. (1989). Social-Behavioral Characteristics of Affectionate/Nurturant and Non-Affectionate/Non-Nurturant Primitive Cultures. Truthseeker July/August Supplement
Transforming violent cultures into peaceful cultures is not possible, without neutralizing Patrilineal/Patriarchal cultures and restoring Matrifocal cultures, as human history has informed us.
The Moral Dimensions of Gender was provided by Pythagoras:
“There is a good principle that created order, light and man; and a bad principle that created chaos, darkness and woman.” Pythagoras (circa 582-507 B.C.) (In Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex, 1949/2009).
Before Ethics and Morality
In his article “Psychocivilized Direction of Behavior” (The Humanist, March/April 1972), José M.R. Delgado concluded that “messages with complex meaning, the building blocks of personal identity, must reach the brain through the senses, and that the power of (artificial) brain stimulation is far more modest”. He further called for “a great effort to investigate the basic cerebral mechanisms related to the essence of man, and to direct our intellect toward the understanding and control of our emotional and behavioral activities”
Hopefully, this essay (and the data reviewed herein) has complemented Delgado’s in illustrating how sensory experiences during the formative periods of development stimulate the brain to produce certain structural and functional neural characteristics intimately related to those emotional and behavioral activities. It is apparent that an infant or child is not “free” to select the nature of his sensory environment but is dependent upon adults for the quality of his sensory environment and, thus, his neurobiological development and psychobiological predispositions for certain kinds of behavior. From this perspective, it is evident that before a child can reason and before reason can establish principles of moral behavior, the course of an ethical and moral life has already been set.
Prescott, J.W. (1972). Before Ethics and Morality. The Humanist Nov/Dec
The quality of mature reasoning and moral behavior are rooted in the early sensory environment and this translates into pleasurable or painful experiences. Pleasurable early experiences create a completely different neural-context or foundation for adult behavior than a history of early painful childhood experiences. The goal is to reduce Painful Adverse Child Experiences and increase Pleasurable Child Experiences that shared affectionate touch, breastfeeding and play provide.
James W. Prescott, PhD