
“Pearce was an inspirational figure, a small giant. He soared higher than I aspire, or most people can.”

Dr. Gabor Maté

“The Life and Insights of Joseph Chilton Pearce, edited by Michael Mendizza, reveals how Pearce, a modern-day sage, endowed with the courage, strength and perseverance to challenge conventional world views, offered humanity original and penetrating insights into our transcendent nature and vast creativity. Joe’s brilliant and original works represents a profound and important contribution toward healing our global dysfunction and ensuring the healthy development of future generations.”

Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., stem cell biologist, epigenetic science pioneer,
and author of The Biology of BeliefThe Honeymoon Effect and many others.


Most of human existence is habitual, sleep walking in a dream cast by culture. Excluded from this semi-alert state are vast fields of insight and meaning that exist beyond these limited borders. Being habitual, reflexive and mechanical, our sleep-walking appears in the dream as normal and necessary, no reason here to wake up. Drugged by our lazy habits of mind, we comfortably repeat tomorrow what we did yesterday, mother and daughter, father and son, calling this conditioning parenting and education. While great technological innovations were being made, human beings remained stuck, like a wagon wheel in deep, sticky mud, repeating. Joe recognized and rebelled against this life-wasting pattern early.

Much of Joe’s life was spent exploring what he called ‘cracks,’ those very real phenomena that manifest, plain as day, but should not, given the limitations of our day-dreaming reality. Joe used the ancient Vedic image of a Cosmic Egg to describe what is allowed, and therefore possible, in our sleep-walking reality, the images and beliefs that cast our self-world-view. When a crack opens in the egg, excluded potentials slip through, illuminating the true nature of our nature, much of which has been excluded by the egg. Hallelujah, we shout. A miracle!

Living in our egg, excluded capacities are, indeed, miracles. Dissolve or crack the egg and potentials we call miracles are seen for what they are, simply the way nature, which is our nature, works. Exploring this core insight, splits our quest in two dimensions, what are the astonishing capacities that are mostly excluded, and what forms and sustains the limiting egg, our self-inflicted limitations.

None of this matters while dreaming, save the sixth great extinction approaching at avalanche speed. Technology, being part of the dream, enshrined within the egg and therefore oblivious to what is excluded, continues to expand exponentially, creating a blinding force that excludes even more, a self-replicating and expanding reciprocal loop. A problem can’t be solved by the source that created the problem.

To break this suicidal pattern demands first that we, at least partially, awaken from the dream, now turned nightmarish, which means a ‘crack,’ a sliver of free attention that is not completely enchanted by the dream. Like a file in the hand of a prisoner, all of Joe’s writings scrape at the bars of our self-imposed jail, inviting this crack. The more we file, the weaker the egg becomes, until, Hallelujah, excluded potentials pour in illuminating the darkness which sustains the dream. What happens next is up to each of us. As he knew, with every particle of his being, this awakening is our only hope.
Joe gave us the file. Please savor Astonishing Capacities and Self-inflicted Limitations, the Life and Insights of Joseph Chiton Pearce.

    Michael Mendizza

“For many of us, Joseph Chilton Pearce’s 1971 book Crack in the Cosmic Egg was an early introduction to the mystery and awe of creation. The journey he took through his subsequent books is even more astonishing.  This brilliant recap and summary of his work is a must-read for anybody interested in finding the deeper meaning of life and life’s experiences.

Thom Hartmann, author, The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight

“Joe Pearce’s rare genius was the way he applied his multidimensional wisdom to a deeper understanding of a child’s total development. In my case, he was literally the teacher’s teacher. I will never forget him once telling me, “Teachers teach who they are, not what they know.”

Chris Mercogliano, author of In Defense of Childhood: Protecting Kids’ Inner Wildness

“What a gift to have this distillation of so many of Joe’s insights in one place! Being with him was an experience of ‘the model imperative’ that we all must have. His writings represent a unique contribution to the deepening challenges we all face today.”

Rahima Baldwin Dancy, Waldorf educator and author of You Are Your Child’s First Teacher

“Joe remains a giant. The Life and Insights of Joseph Chilton Pearce is priceless. Joe validated, enriched and added practical substance to my lifelong quest to better understand the critical importance of play. Without Joe’s clear descriptions, that ‘play is learning,’ my explorations would have been less complete. Joe was inspiring, a role model and mentor.”

Stuart Brown, M.D., founder and president of the National Institute for Play

“Joseph Chilton Pearce’s insights into what human beings ‘can be’ inspired the founding of Kindred World. Michael guides us through Pearce’s decades of synthesized, cross-cultural fields of science and deeply integrated wisdom toward a welcome and truer vision of humanity’s amazing capacities. This book describes the New Story we all need, right now.”

Lisa Reagan, founder of Kindred World

“When I first found Pearce’s work, after training as a psychological researcher, I was enthralled. As I moved away from a rigid mindset, oriented toward material measurement and control, and back to an interdisciplinary perspective, where all truth exists, the seeds planted by Pearce are now bringing to fruition at EvolvedNest.org. I am forever grateful that he had the courage to share his wisdom and that Michael Mendizza has kept it alive.”

Darcia Narvaez, professor of Psychology Emerita, University of Notre Dame and author Neurobiology and the Development of Human Morality

He Changed My Life

Brief Bio

An expert in child development, Joseph Chilton Pearce (1926-2016) devoted his life to exploring the optimum development and astonishing capacities within each individual human being. Across his 12 visionary books and thousands of lectures, he blended cutting-edge science with spirituality and explored the amazing power of imagination for both children and adults–the space where we are able to play with our reality–inspiring millions to discover the human birthright of a more magical world.

In this guide to Pearce’s complete vision of transcendent human potential, Michael Mendizza explores 7 of his most influential books, sharing insights and expertise from Pearce’s full range of interests, from child development and conscious parenting to psychic phenomena and altered states to the power of the mind to shape reality.

Offering essential passages interwoven with Pearce’s own commentary, drawn from personal conversations and unpublished material, this book shows how Pearce’s key insights break down core assumptions about reality and human potential. We see the importance of imagination and empathic, non-verbal forms of wisdom, which have been long overshadowed by verbal-intellectual skills.

Pearce’s life-changing insights into why we have become what we are, contrasted with the miracle nature intends us to be, allowing each of us to break through our self-inflicted limitations and realize our amazing and magical potential.

22 Interviews with Joe > My Journey

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#1 - Our amazing capacities

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#2 - The self-organizing structure of the brain

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#3 - The Savant and Fields of Intelligence

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#4 - Non-local fields of intelligence, brain

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#5 - What can parents do

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#6 - The new model of education, parenting

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#7 - Development is experience dependent

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#8 - The most important step we can make

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#9 - A woman’s right of a nurturing mother

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#10 - Stages of Brain Development

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#11 - Nature’s Agenda for Brain Development

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#12 - Intellect is Not Intelligence

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#13 - Quality of life vs. Standard of living

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#14 - Do we really understand empathy?

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#15 - Dramatic cultural changes

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#16 - Changing perception of women

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#17 - Two dramatic expressions of culture change

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#18 - Symbolic and metaphoric processing

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#19 - The importance of storytelling

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#20 - Can the child trust the world?

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#21 - Technology and the developing brain

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#22 - Continuing Adult Development

Available on Amazon

A comprehensive guide to social visionary Joseph Chilton Pearce’s work on the transcendent and magical potential of the human mind

• Explores Pearce’s most influential books, including Magical Child, sharing his life-changing insights into why we have become what we are, contrasted with the miracle nature intends us to be

• Features essential passages interwoven with Pearce’s own commentary, drawn from personal conversations and unpublished material

• Shows how Pearce’s key insights build across his books and break down core assumptions about reality and human potential

An expert in child development, Joseph Chilton Pearce (1926-2016) devoted his life to exploring the optimum development and astonishing capacities within each individual human being. Across his 12 visionary books and thousands of lectures, he blended cutting-edge science with spirituality and explored the amazing power of imagination for both children and adults--the space where we are able to play with our reality--inspiring millions to discover the human birthright of a more magical world.

In this guide to Pearce’s complete vision of transcendent human potential, Michael Mendizza explores 7 of his most influential books, sharing insights and expertise from Pearce’s full range of interests, from child development and conscious parenting to psychic phenomena and altered states to the power of the mind to shape reality.

Pregnancy, Birth & Bonding with Joseph Chilton Pearce

The earlier the developmental stage the more sensitive and therefore critical. In this series Joe explores Pregnancy, Birth and Bonding, what nature expects and what intellectual interference has done to this miraculous process.

Ages and Stages of Human Development

The Awakening Of Intelligence

Intelligence is far beyond and makes possible intellect. Most mistake intellect as intelligence. Joe helps us not make this mistake. By appreciating the difference we align ourselves with natures' agenda for true development.

Imagination & Play

It was Einstein who said that imagination was more important than knowledge. He understood that our greatest discoveries and most profound works of art have come to us through imagination and play. Far from being idle day dreaming, the fantasies of childhood, build the foundation for all higher learning.

Learning & Education

As every child grows they reach out to explore the world in new and expanding ways. What they learn gives meaning to life and changes how they feel about themselves. Here Joe looks at learning and what we call education in completely new ways.

Critical & Creative Thinking

We hear a lot about self-esteem these days, but few have really give it much thought. To have self-esteem we must be able to reach inside, see a new possibility and then allow that inner vision to act upon and change the world we live in. This going within and developing the inner vision and skill to change the outer world, is perhaps the most important lesson we will ever learn.

Beyond Adolescence

In this program we are going stretch our limits by discovering completely new ways to look at our young adults. Joseph Chilton Pearce will challenge us along with a group of parents, educators and health care providers, by asking that we consider that adolescence might actually be very different from what we think it is. He suggests that adolescence may really be cumulative effect of both false education and a failure to fully develop our full potential.

Bonding and the Intelligence of the Heart

Physicists describe fields of energy, how they imply meaning, information and intelligence. New research suggests that the heart field determines the general environmental conditions under which the genetic system spells out its instructions for new life. This brief program redefines bonding in light of this new research. Up to 65 percent of the cells of the heart are neurons just like those found in the brain. There is a direct unmediated neuro-connection, a direct pipeline, between the heart and the brain. The brain informs the heart of its general emotional state and the heart encourages the brain to make an intelligent response. Poets and sages have been saying this about the heart down through the ages.

The emerging field of Neurocardiology and research at the Institute of HeartMath place the intelligence of the heart in the field of biology, where it belongs. Each phase of the heartbeat creates its own part of the field affect that surrounds the body. The first is very short, close to the heart. The next radiates outward at least three feet and is very powerful. The third field extends twelve to fifteen feet from the body. It is easy to see that one person's field will often overlap another's. When two fields overlap they interact. This resonant field affect is present in every relationship, but is particularly important for mothers and infants. The meaning of the fields shared by mother and infant contain a great deal of critical information for both.

That heart fields interact and entrain is a precise, measurable, scientific fact. The amplitude and the Hertz value of the two heart frequencies become coherent, creating a state of harmony, wholeness and health. When the infant's heart and the mother's heart are entrained, their brain structures also become synchronized. We refer to this balanced state as bonding between mother and infant.

Failing the initial bond with the mother, all subsequent bonding is not only put at risk but is very difficult to bring about. Studies at Harvard show that the nature of our early bonds is reflected throughout life, both in one's health and ability to interact socially. Allan Schore describes how the first eighteen months determine the subsequent moves of the intelligence. Why? Because the emotional experience the child is given during the first eighteen months determines the nature and quality of the neural structures that develop in that period. Emotional nurturing translates directly into the field affect, shared or not shared, with the immediate environment. During those first eighteen months that environment is mother, father, and other primary caregivers. This video compliments and expands upon The Origins of Love & Violence, Jim Prescott's pioneering research at NIH on early mother-infant separation, bonding and the developing brain.

The Essential Joseph Chilton Pearce

The Essential Joseph Chilton Pearce

The Essential Joseph Chilton Pearce consists of 61 Insight topics. The collection spans a wide range subjects including; conception, pregnancy, birth, parenting, education, media, culture, identity, personal and spiritual development.

Play is Learning

Play is Learning is one of the best introductions to Joseph Chilton Pearce, one that embodies a number of his fundamental themes: ages and stages of development, the model imperative, the difference between real learning and conditioning (the behavior modification and training we call schooling) and how authentic play represents natures design for optimum learning and performance, at any age, meeting any challenge.

Who Are We

We are not what or who we think we are. This opens two fundamental questions: what is the nature of the false or limited images we have about ourselves and others and if we are not that, what or who are we? With these questions we begin one of our most personal interviews with Joseph Chilton Pearce. We begin by exploring the title for his first book; Crack in the Cosmic Egg. "The world we experience is the cosmic egg. The sum total of all this that makes up our livable world and gives us a place in which to be, I call it culture, or the cosmic egg.

The cosmic egg is in effect culture, culture being a virtual reality created by forcing us to comply with sets of behavior from the moment of birth on and modifying our own behavior and world view according to that of our culture around us. This includes the world as we'll ever know it so to escape this is not an easy thing. It happens continually. But the culture denies any experience that is not part of culture." Our true development begins when we transcend the limitations imposed by culture and this implies discovering a new identity.

Rebirth of Spirit

Religion was one of our great enemies and our downfall, not only looking at the present time but throughout history. The rising tide of violence seemed to have, more often than not, a religious fervor involved in it. On the other hand I think of science. I don't think science has been at all the great saving grace as a human species as we have made it to be. If you look at it at the basis of nearly every real catastrophe certainly facing us today it's scientific. To most people this is an even worse heresy than spiting on the flag or calling your mother by a bad name, to suggest that science has been a curse on the species. Yet if you look closely you'll find these two things; science as a new religion and religion itself is what brought us to the brink of species extinction.