It Takes Both – More on Patriotism
Given the ‘state of the nation’ our founding fathers, those who authored the constitution and signed the declaration of independence, would be called rebels, unpatriotic, terrorists. The police state, FBI and CIA would have them under surveillance. There is no ...

Patriotism Is An Act Of Violence
For my sons, Memorial Day 2011 God Bless America blared from the flag waving Harley as boy scouts, soon to be men, marched between white lines. Memorial Day, a national glance inward to mourn the lives mangled and lost ‘serving’ ...

Virtual Reality is Sensory Deprivation
The Emerging Technology Disasterin Early Childhood Education On Fast Companies’ Article – A is for AppSee: http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/144 To the Editor of Fast Company, Anya Kamenetz, the author, and Paul Kim, CTO, Stanford University School of Education, quoted on the cover. ...
Everything You Think About Schooling Is Wrong – Epilogue
John Taylor Gatto Interview – EpilogueOne of the most disturbing issues raised by John Taylor Gatto’s interview is the point that breaking the family bond has been a hidden agenda of compulsory government schooling from its inception. Slowly erode the ...

Everything We Think About Schooling Is Wrong! An interview with John Taylor Gatto
Everything We Think About Schooling Is Wrong!An interview with John Taylor Gatto Download the complete interview Introduction – Consider that hidden forces were inserted into the public education system that prevents it from developing imagination and real critical and creative ...