Broken Kids, Not Guns
On Tuesday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation released a report titled “Active Shooter Incidents in the United States in 2021,” which logged sixty-one mass shootings last year. The violence we see all around us, personal and global, is a failure ...

Of Course the Predators Ate Him
Fight-Flight is a fear-startle reflex emerging deep in the sensory motor brain, the so called ancient ‘reptilian’ brain. The pursuit of egotistic gratification turned predator, sexual or otherwise, is not fight-flight, rather, patterns of violence embedded early in the formation ...

Promise First Do No Harm
We forget. Nonviolence begins in the arms of nurturing mothers and fathers. We feel numbed-shock, sadness and rallying pockets of rage as another wave of violence ripples through our collective psyche. Personally, I celebrate our nation’s youth, like the boy ...

Nipping The Roots Of Violence
What are little boys made of?Snips and snailsAnd puppy-dogs’ tailsAnd what are little girls made of?Sugar and spiceAnd everything nice… Really? Carly, just now 2.5 years young, went to her first birthday party today and was surrounded by ten to ...