Birth Awareness – How Routine Becomes Ritual
Yes, how a baby is born is important. Does the process affirm, extend and support the pulsing, vibrant, resonate relationship that has been unfolding for months or does it separate, alienate, terrify, filling mother and baby with cortisol ending in ...

I Am Sorry
Look up. Yes, I see. They are doing it again, and in plain sight. No one seems to care. No one looks up and screams. Yesterday the sky was deep blue. Not a cloud from horizon to horizon. This morning, ...

Declining Fertility and Depopulation
When Bad is Good or Look What I Found in the Cornflakes An astounding new study in the British medical journal Human Reproduction this week has revealed that French sperm counts plunged by a third between 1989 and 2005, 32.2 ...

What is Bonding? Has It Changed?
What is bonding, the very heart of species survival or a nice sentiment? Are the experiences we call bonding or attachment the same today as 100 years ago, before commercial interests made it shameful to breastfeed, fetal monitors and surgical-cesarean ...