Yesterday I shared an interview with Peat Myers that described: “If you take a little bit of Bisphenol A and put it in corn oil and feed it to a mouse while she’s pregnant, and the amount fed to the mouse is equivalent to two parts per billion of her body weight, that a male mouse in her womb will grow up with a prostate that’s much bigger than it should be. And also its structure has been changed so that it’s hypersensitive to hormone stimulation. For the life of that animal, it’s got a different prostate. It’s got one that’s predisposed to prostate problems.” As little as 2 part per billion of some chemicals found in the environment is enough to alter development for a lifetime.
Today comes a story from the Guardian-UK. If you did not view Peat’s interview I encourage you to do so and then clean out the dust from under the bed.
Toxic Chemicals in Household Dust Linked to Cancer and Infertility
By Nicola Davis
14 September 16
Scientists find scores of harmful chemicals in indoor dust including phthalates linked to developmental problems in babies
Household dust harbors a cocktail of toxic chemicals that have been linked to an increased risk of a range of health hazards, from cancer to problems with fertility, researchers in the US have found.
The chemicals are shed from a host of common products, from flooring to electrical goods as well as beauty and cleaning products.
“We think our homes are a safe haven but unfortunately they are being polluted by toxic chemicals from all our products,” said Veena Singla, co-author of the study from the Natural Resources Defense Council in California.
The scientists cautioned that children were particularly vulnerable to the health effects of contaminated dust as they often play or crawl on the floor and frequently touch their mouths. “They end up having a lot more exposure to chemicals in dust and they are more vulnerable to toxic effects because their brains and bodies are still developing,” said Singla.
Writing in the Environmental Science and Technology journal, Singla and colleagues described how they analysed 26 peer-reviewed papers, as well as one unpublished dataset, from 1999 onwards to examine the chemical make-up of indoor dust. The studies covered a wide range of indoor environments, from homes to schools and gymnasiums across 14 states.
“What emerged was a rather disturbing picture of many different toxic chemicals from our products that are present in dust in the home and [are] contaminating the home,” said Singla.
While, perhaps confusingly, homes that are too clean have been linked to an increase in allergies and asthma in children, potentially due to a lack of exposure to various microbes, the presence of toxic chemicals in dust raises separate concerns.
The researchers highlighted 45 toxic chemicals in indoor dust, 10 of which were present in 90% or more of the dust samples – these included flame retardants, fragrances and phenols.
Among them is the flame retardant TDCIPP that is known to be cancer-causing and is frequently found in furniture foam, baby products and carpet padding, as is TPHP, another flame retardant in the top 10 list that can affect the reproductive and nervous systems.
“They are just a bunch of letters – a lot of people might not recognise what those chemicals are, or what they mean, but they are really a number of bad actor chemicals,” said Singla.
Other toxic substances found in almost all of the dust samples include chemicals known as phthalates that are often found in vinyl flooring, food packaging, personal care products and have been linked to developmental problems in babies, hormone disruption, and are also thought to affect the reproductive system.
While some chemicals on the list have been banned from use in childcare products, or are being more widely phased out, Singla says many remain widespread in the home. “Especially for building materials there is not as much turnover of a lot of those products, like flooring,” she said, adding: “Unfortunately even though some of these phthalates have been banned from kids products, they are not banned from other kinds of products.”
For more information: trusted leaders in this field are Healthy Child Healthy World and EWG. As a program of EWG, Healthy Child Healthy World’s purpose is to empower parents to take action and protect their children against harmful chemicals. Together they inspire parents, promote solutions and influence policy to create a cleaner, greener, healthier world.