
Michael Mendizza

Writer, Filmmaker

Expanding Human Potential by Supporting Those Who Care For Children

Over the past 40 years Michael's public service and contribution to social change has been highly diverse. His collection of works demonstrates a commitment to the greater good for humanity.  View Michael's most recent blogs here.


Recent Posts

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Life or Death of an Idea


To believe this election is about personalities is naive. Behind the personalities are corrupt machines on both sides. What follows are highlights of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, answering the question; “Why did he break from the Democratic party, and equally …


Censorship Industrial Complex


Throughout the COVID fraud, collusion involving Big Pharma, Big Tech, DARPA, WHO, CDC/FDA, what we call News, Social Media, the Not Health Care Industry, Universities, and follow the money, was obvious, at least to me. Obvious but slippery, ubiquitous, hard …

Rfk And Dad

We live in interesting times


The ‘news’ I grew up with isn’t news today. Thanks to Mr. Obama, the ‘state’ has the right to target US citizens with CIA, Mocking Bird, propaganda. The ‘state’ said it is OK, even justifiable, to torture and murder US …

Our Increasingly Dangerous World


Our Increasingly Dangerous World I was quite vocal about the COVID fraud and genocide that followed. See the attached: Largest Study of Its Kind Finds Excess Deaths During Pandemic Caused by Public Health Response, Not Virus. In addition to being …