
Books – Playful Wisdom, A Father’s Adventure

Playful Widsom Soft Cover – $20.00Hard Cover – $28.00 Playful Wisdom transforms the experience of being a father, as many mother’s know, into a deep and profound state of constant learning and growth. Being a father today is not easy. The growth that occurs during the critical early years happens so fast and the changes are so profound that we can barely keep up. Fathers are often dazed by the blast. If we blink it is over and that moment will never repeat itself again. “Playful Wisdom offers a treasure trove of insights and stories interwoven with research that will inspire everyone. The book feels alive. It sparkles with life-giving energy. Michael’s gift is the integration of everyday experience with wisdom gathered from multiple disciplines and wisdom keepers. Every word feels important, unlike many reads where there is often a lot of fluff. Here, love and wisdom drip off each page. You want to catch it in a cup to save. Playful Wisdom is a resource that will enrich future courses on child raising, compassion or wisdom. Every new and future parent and grandparent will delight in its riches.” Darcia Narvaez, PhDProfessor of Psychology at the University of Notre Dame specializing in ethical development …

Magical ParentIntroduction 3rd Edition Soft Cover copy $20.00 IntroductionMagical Parent-Magical Child, the Optimum Learning Relationship is the first book to define parenting, coaching and educating children as developmental, transformative practices for adults. The central theme of the book is the transformation of childhood through the transformation of adults. Our goal is to optimize the adult-child interface by applying the proven strategies that allow top athletes and other specialists to consistently perform at extraordinary levels. If optimum learning, performance and well-being is the goal when relating to tennis balls and hockey pucks, what about you and I? What about our children? Do they, or we, deserve anything less? We do this by helping adults rediscover the “playful” and “childlike” genius of their own innate intelligence, as they guide, learn from and mentor children, which awakens and develops in adults new capacities and possibilities. Infusing the adult-child relationship with this fresh creative energy and attention transforms the adult which results in a radically different learning environment for children. Changing the adult changes the environment we call childhood. This transforms the child, which cycles back and transforms the adult. We call this playful, reciprocal-dynamic, the Optimum Learning Relationship. The book develops this theme by exploring and …