A Few Ideas That May Help
A friend said she would like to share my ideas regarding children and family. This is really quite challenging. On the one hand the issues are so personal and so diverse. On the other hand, there are a few simple ...

Lunch With Carly Elizabeth
Carly and I (and of course Z, mother and wife) landed in a hip, crowded and loud bistro in Laguna Beach the day after Christmas along with my brother Mark. The waitress removed one of the chairs and slipped in ...

We can’t solve a problem at the level of the problem
Forgive me for restating the obvious. It is really very simple. Rape, domestic violence, child abuse, depression, addictions, chronic anxiety, fear, rage, most chronic diseases; diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s, many hormonal cancers; breast, testicular, heart disease, ALS, attention disorders, bullying, gangs, ...

What a wonderful morning to die
Walking to the studio at dawn on this the first day of my sixty-fifth spin, I mused; ‘what a wonderful morning to die.’ No, this is not some morbid depress-wish. It is complete amazement at the wonder, the beauty and ...

Reincarnate Happiness
Like every new life Carly Elizabeth is a miracle unfolding at astonishing speed, from almost seven pounds to twelve point six in ninety days. Hallelujah. A week ago I mimicked the sounds she was making. Her eyes grew bigger and ...

How Can So Many Deny So Much?
Over fifty years ago James W. Prescott, PhD, noted that an absence of what we call bonding is neglect or abuse. Researchers at the McLean Hospital identified four types of permanent brain abnormalities caused by early childhood abuse and neglect. ...