No More Pee Parties
Suddenly, it becomes apparent that this precious moment we call early-childhood will never come again. Never. This moment is over, pushed aside by a new moment. It was just a blink ago that Carly Elizabeth would announce that she needed ...

What Makes The Difference
What is it that makes my response to Carly Elizabeth different? Two things. First, I make sure that she knows that I see her for who she is, what is important to her this moment and what she is feeling, ...

At The Crossroads
Walking with Carly to the park today, I realized that my anxiety had disappeared. The warm sun was bouncing off the freshly watered leaves after five years of drought in California. Emerald green grass rolled over the hills. My forehead, ...

Experience “Experience isn’t the best teacher. Experience is the only teacher, experiences to give names to.”Bev Bos, one of the most respected early childhood educators of our time. In our increasingly virtual world Bev’s insight is golden. Each word is ...

Too much happiness?
The everyday miracles happen so fast. It’s hard to catch them. Carly is 2.4 years young and communicating with my wife and with Barbora, our au pair, mostly in Czech, and with dear old ta-ta mostly in English without one ...

Enlightenment Is…
I hope every parent is knocked off their chair by the astonishing capacity their child exhibits every day. Recall – 700 new neural connections every second and each branch touches 10,000 to 20,000 other branches. Unbelievable! The environment is the ...