Being Happy In A Sad World
All the things we won’t be able to share Becoming a father again late, meant that I might bring greater experience and perhaps a trace of wisdom to the most important challenge anyone will face, helping the next generation meet ...

Please write a list of simple suggestions of how an individual, parent, educator, practitioner could make changes to turn the trends you are talking about.Thanks. Helen We begin by discovering that our conditioning, as parents and educators, is the greatest ...

Epilogue: The Vast, Empty, Sky-Like Nature of Our Mind
If the example which our behavior exhibits today was the template that would imprint how the next generation, and therefore the future of humanity, will behave, what would you do differently? What will make us change and what kind of ...

The Belonging Hoax
Of course we need to belong. Life is relationship. The words abandonment, bonding and attachment rest on the primacy of belonging. The relatively new field of epigenetics, the way the environment shapes gene expression, molding the very essence of life ...

Where do we go from here?
What follows is a synthesis of forty-years with J. Krishnamurti, David Bohm, Joseph Chilton Pearce, Samdhong Rinpoche and other mentors. The passion, clarity and hope that inspired these teachers etched deeply and took root. I see what I see standing ...

Leaders not Teachers
Often, more than I like to admit, observing parents is like listening to a beginner play a violin that is out of tune. There’s harmonic-resonance when the adult and child are attuned. And then, there is what most think of ...