
Michael Mendizza

Writer, Filmmaker

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Bonding-Attunement, Parenting

Pleasure Bonds


The “Glue” That Attaches & Bonds Human RelationshipsJames W. Prescott, Ph.D., Joseph Chilton Pearce and Michael MendizzaIntroductionThis essay precedes, compliments and supports Sensory Deprivation and the Developing Brain. It develops a scientific framework that establishes pleasure as the glue that ...

Quite Hugs

Quiet Hugs


Morning and Muse often arrive together. Today their light cast long shadows across the wood floor. The house was still. Up before the others I sipped fresh coffee from a white cup. Quietly the glass door to my home-office opened. ...

Enlightenment Is

Enlightenment Is…


I hope every parent is knocked off their chair by the astonishing capacity their child exhibits every day. Recall – 700 new neural connections every second and each branch touches 10,000 to 20,000 other branches. Unbelievable! The environment is the ...

Monisters Under The Bed 643x136

Monsters Under The Bed


September snuck in like a clever thief. You can feel the days getting longer. Barbora, at twenty, is a sparkling young woman. She arrived a week ago, a Czech Au Pair, French for ‘on par,’ meaning equal, a member of ...

Every Day Abuse

Everyday Abuse


Holding my hand Carly Elizabeth stopped in her tracks. Walking down the street, a few yards ahead, were three large overstuffed derrières and a bright, bored four-year old. The swaggering behinds belonged to a set of grandparents and presumably to ...

Shivering Excitement 624x132

Shivering Excitement


­­­ You would think that I would be accustomed to being astonished by now, but I’m not. Every day I look, watch, engage and share with Carly Elizabeth in a fresh state of complete amazement. Z, Carly and I walked ...