Can you feel my heart sing?
All we want is to touch, to be touched, closeness, to feel attunement, acceptance, and that deep feeling of shared wellbeing with others; love, bonding, safety, play and peace. That is really all there is to it. Not feeling this, ...

Of Course the Predators Ate Him
Fight-Flight is a fear-startle reflex emerging deep in the sensory motor brain, the so called ancient ‘reptilian’ brain. The pursuit of egotistic gratification turned predator, sexual or otherwise, is not fight-flight, rather, patterns of violence embedded early in the formation ...

Leaders not Teachers
Often, more than I like to admit, observing parents is like listening to a beginner play a violin that is out of tune. There’s harmonic-resonance when the adult and child are attuned. And then, there is what most think of ...

Meeting our children half way
We ‘dults’ have very fixed ideas about how everything must be. “Oh, my, its late, we need to have this done this way and that done that way by such and such a time.” Then comes the next task and ...

Forgive us, for we know not what we are doing
A woman was beating her infant-toddler in a stroller in front of our gallery. This is a busy tourist destination. One of my colleagues rushed out the door. “Stop that right now,” she said, as others stood by in silence. ...

The Child Creates the Father
Becoming a father is a profound stage in one’s personal development, more powerful than any adult mentor or teacher. Becoming a father elicits and demands entirely new senses, perceptions and behaviors that lay dormant, latent until awakened by the visceral ...