
Michael Mendizza

Writer, Filmmaker

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Parenting, Playful Advice

Trust And Happiness

Trust and Happiness


It is impossible for adults, adulterated as they are, to participate fully in the young child’s reality. This evening we had a lovely adulterated dinner. We shared a glass of wine and chatted about, you know, things. Carly at fifteen ...

Blind Leading

The Blind Leading the Blind


Normal isn’t necessarily healthy or natural,or the road to hell is paved with good intentions. It is so much more demanding for parents not to substitute virtual for real experiences; no wonder a recent essay applauded the American Academy of ...

Everything Matters

Every Moment Matters


Every moment matters, especially the early formative moments. There is no ‘down time,’ no ‘get out of jail free.’ This is the moment. Who and what we are is defined by how we live this split second. Don’t miss it. ...

Beans And More Beans

Beans, Beans and More Beans


Happiness is the ultimate wisdom and my goal, whenever I’m with Carly Elizabeth, is to be as wise as possible. My care and affection for Carly is so innocent and reciprocal that I find it unimaginable how anyone could harm, ...


Count the Smiles Remember the Laughter


If my worth as a father and parent can be measured, let it be by the smiles and laughter Carly Elizabeth, my wife Z and I share together. I happen to be fond of the Buddhist tradition where one, with ...

Marinated Minds

Marinated Minds


My wife and I went to a meeting for several hours. When we returned we both remarked that Carly Elizabeth had changed and indeed she had. No surprise here. She is changing every moment. We simply aren’t acute enough to ...