
Michael Mendizza

Writer, Filmmaker

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Language Development/Imagination, Parenting

Mommys Comming

Mommy’s Coming


New words keep popping like popcorn. Yes, every thing and every experience has a name; ball, eat, sit, run. Carly Elizabeth, just now two years young, which is still pretty new, mastered walking upright, an astonishing feat of balance and ...

2 Years

Watching with Wonder – Carly at Two


At 4:15 PM July 29, 2014 Carly Elizabeth took her first breath. Today, July 29, 2016, twenty-four very short months later I routinely chase her around the bed saying; “You can’t do that! It’s time for your bath.” While she ...

Fence Shadow Sm 624x131

True Intelligence


Like water pouring over Niagara Falls neurons connect as capacities unfold at astonishing speed. This is simply what Carly Elizabeth, and every new human being, is, exploding growth and change. We tend to relate intelligence with what is known. People ...

Of The Dream 624x133

Child of the Dream


With all my chattering about how attentive Carly is, and she is, at the same time Carly is often eyes-wide-open-vacant, dreamy. Sitting at her buffet this lovely morning there it was – the stare. Bread and egg in her hand, ...

All Of A Sudden 624x132

All of a Sudden


Carly Elizabeth was no longer an infant, or even a toddler in my eyes, even though technically ‘toddler,’ meaning to walk unsteady, bridges all the way to age three and Carly is now just racing up to two years young. ...

Lighthearted Seriouness 624x132

Lighthearted Seriousness


What if the way we treat our child is the way our child will treat the world? And what if you and I are not all that different from other parents so our child is like theirs and that is ...