Distracted by Design
We are living in strange times but nothing that we are experiencing was not warned about long ago.We are just too busy, distracted by design, to notice the persistent patterns. The global brain and its behaviors provide a context for ...

Distractions from What Is Real
Have you noticed? It’s getting pretty wacky out there: joggers bumping into street signs while texting. People seem generally stressed, not that this is new, just more, and it shows. The ice sheets are melting. Some predict “stratification” of the ...

Virtual Reality is Sensory Deprivation
The Emerging Technology Disasterin Early Childhood Education On Fast Companies’ Article – A is for AppSee: http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/144 To the Editor of Fast Company, Anya Kamenetz, the author, and Paul Kim, CTO, Stanford University School of Education, quoted on the cover. ...