Hermit Gifts
I met Steve Roberts in 1994, researching and directing a feature documentary on the life of Paramhansa Yoganand, best know as the author of ‘Autobiography of a Yogi,’ and Founder of Self Realization Fellowship. Steve’s logo tells the story. His ...

Language, Consciousness, and Identity
View/Print PDF Preface: Human development is model-dependent. Of near-unlimited possibility, only those capacities that are modeled in the environment will open and develop. No model, no capacity; summarizing Joseph Chilton Pearce on the ‘Model Imperative.’ Joe often shared that a ...

Wiggling Free
Optimal experience is an end in itself… it is a self-contained activity, one that is not done with the expectation of some future benefit, the doing itself is the reward. When experience is intrinsically rewarding, life is justified in the ...

We are not who or what we think we are
“Egos exploiting egos is the source of all our problems.”Samdhong Rinpoche The deeper we look the more distilled and obvious Rinpoche’s insight grows. Whether our focus is personal depression, illness, greed, jealousy, addiction, crime and rage or global conflicts including ...