As you know, I kept a journal inspired by “what I learned with Carly,” writing every two weeks for two years, beginning with the home birth of Carly Elizabeth, now thirty-three months young. This evolved into a new book; Playful Wisdom, A Father’s Adventure, now at the printer and is expected mid-July. My dream is that this inspiring and heartfelt book becomes THE GIFT every new father receives from caring friends and families. (They won’t buy it for themselves. Not this kind of book. Guys don’t do that.) But, they will read it as a gift from someone who cares.

Each of you know or will know a ‘father to be.’ These are the voices I want to hear, how reading Playful Wisdom broke their heart wide open and changed how they view being a father – forever. As I say; The role a father plays during the first two years is both essential and critical. If we get the beginning right the entire flight opens and continually expands as nature designed. If not, there is trouble at every turn, trouble for everyone.
Mothers get all the attention during these critical early years and they need all the wise support they can get. The growth and changes that occur during the critical early months happen so fast and the changes are so profound that fathers are often dazed by the blast. By the time they figure out what happened – it’s over.
Discovering what nurturing is – as an experience – is a profound, transformative step in each person’s development, especially guys. Nurturing is the highest form of compassion and altruism expressed in its most immediate and intimate ways. Women are often more attuned to this experience, having direct contact with their new babies since conception. Fathers are not as lucky.Playful Wisdom is a meditation, a precious reminder to be in touch and touched every day with amazement and wonder, to be innocent once again, this time with wisdom as our wings. Playful Wisdom can change the world by transforming what it means to be a father from the inside out, one heart at a time.
Here is how you can help. Order an autographed hardbound edition of Playful Wisdom, because you will love it, and I will send an additional soft cover book to you for half price so you can gift this to that new father. Please include with a personal invitation for them to share how the book changes them. You keep the autographed hard cover edition and give the second to someone you love.
My goal is to gather 100 stories from new fathers and share these so other new fathers receive this gift from someone who cares. Explore a complete review of Playful Wisdom and download a full color preview. Then please, order your copy with a soft cover book to share.
With playful appreciation,
Michael and Carly
(and of course, mama too)