Appalling is the word used by some to describe past posts that are critical of the unprecedented numbers and the political actions being taken based on those numbers. “We project that roughly 56% of our state’s population — 25.5 million people — will be infected with the virus over an eight-week period,” said the Governor of California three days ago. Personally, I find this hypothesis, stated as fact, appalling.
When asked how he arrived at these numbers, the Governor declined to say. And yet, the numbers define the crisis, define how frightened people are, and what steps are taken. Are the numbers accurate, true, reliable? This post and others question the integrity of those numbers and how they are being represented.
Globally there are 9 million to 45 million reported flu cases each year, any flu, resulting in 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually. What about the US? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
• 5% to 20% — percent of the U.S. population will get the flu each year, any flu.
• 200,000 will be hospitalized each year.
• 8,200 to 20,000 die in the U.S. from flu-related causes each year, any flu
Am I saying that people won’t die from this infection? Not at all. I am suggesting that the numbers that are driving politicians are not accurate and perhaps, more people will be harmed by the cure than by the diseases. As of today 3.21.2020, the total deaths attributed to the coronavirus in the US are 288, out of an estimated 330,149,796. In the US we have 19,712 to go before we cross the threshold in severity, compared to past years.

What about past years. Please review, and carefully, what the official numbers and policy looked like in 1957, in 1976 and 2009.
The experience thousands endured from the flu vaccine in 1968:
The flu vaccine that I had back in December 1967 was, I think, for H3N2, the “Hong Kong” flu pandemic of 1968. Back in December 1967, I was given the H3N2 live flu shot, which was an experimental “live” flu vaccine. I felt fine, after the shot, and worked the rest of the day and went home. I woke up in the middle of the night, unable to breathe. I went to the emergency room and then was kept in the hospital for ten days as they pumped my lungs due to an extreme asthmatic reaction. Prior to that day, and that cursed vaccination, I had normal allergies and no asthma. Since that day, I have become horribly allergic to extremely tiny exposure to many items. That was one of the worst decisions of my life!
Asian Influenza Vaccination (USPHS, 1957)
H1N1: Preparing For The Worst H1N1
A German physician and public health official linked below, questions the data, and goes on to note how all the money, attention and power that meeting this global state of emergency involves, affects the medical industry, how everyone doctors, public health officials, big pharma and politicians collude to support the data. But what if the data is not accurate? Few professionals in public health have the courage to say, the King Has No Clothes, the data is unreliable. Why courage?
Recall Galileo (1564 – 8 January 1642) the Italian astronomer, physicist and engineer, sometimes described as a polymath (sage) from Pisa. Galileo has been called the “father of observational astronomy”, the “father of modern physics”, the “father of the scientific method”, and the “father of modern science”. His observations were investigated by the Roman Inquisition in 1615, which concluded that his ideas represented a “foolish and absurd philosophy, and formally heretical since it explicitly contradicts in many places the sense of Holy Scripture”. He was tried by the Inquisition, found “vehemently suspect of heresy”, and forced to recant or be burned at the stake. He spent the rest of his life and died under house arrest. Not much has changed. Such is the power of Politicized Dogma driven by Corporate Media. Professionals who challenge official dogma face the same resistance today.
At the core of the whole affair is ‘germ theory.’ Bad germs pass from one person and infect the next. Germ theory is the currently accepted scientific theory for many diseases. It states that pathogens or “germs” too small to see without magnification are passed by direct contact and invade humans, other animals, and other living hosts.
Arthur Furstenberg, in his well-cited book, The Invisible Rainbow, A History of Electricity and Life, challenges this dogma, at least he disagrees with influenza. (Note: Cholera, Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever, Typhoid are bacterial infections, and yes these pass by physical ingesting the bug.) The speed at which influenza travels however, its random and simultaneous pattern of spread, has perplexed scientists for centuries. Furstenberg describes, in compelling historical detail, how influenza (the name derived from influence by the stars or rather solar flares), represents a Crack in the Cosmic Egg, a phenomenon that defies the prevailing paradigm of germ theory. He describes, for example, how the 1889 flu simultaneously began in such remote places as: Bukhara, Uzbekistan; Greenland; and Northern Alberta. Flu was reported in July in Philadelphia and in Hillston, a remote town in Australia, and in August in the Balkans. The trouble with person to person contagion is that this disease had to travel faster than trains and ships at that time.
“Influenza,” said Dr. Benjamin Lee of the Pennsylvania State Board of Health in 1890, “spreads like a flood, inundating whole sections in an hour… It is scarcely conceivable that a disease which spreads with such astonishing rapidity goes through the process of re-development in each person infected, and is only communicated from person to person by infected articles.”
A report in 1857 was so compelling that William Beveridge included it in his 1975 textbook on influenza: “The English warship Arachne was cursing off the coast of Cuba ‘without any contact to land.’ No less than 114 of a crew of 149 fell ill with influenza and only later learned that there had been an outbreak in Cuba.”
Furstenberg concludes his chapter: “The embarrassing secret among virologists is that from 1933 to the present day, there have been no experimental studies proving that influenza-either the virus or the disease-is ever transmitted from person to person by normal contact.” Furstenberg supports, “the embarrassing secret among virologists,” by describing at some length attempts made in December of 1918 and February of 1919 by a Boston team working for the United States Public Health department to infect one hundred volunteers between the ages of eighteenth and twenty-five with influenza.
“We collected the material and mucous secretions of the mouth and nose and throat and bronchia from cases of the disease and transferred this to our volunteers…None of the volunteers got sick…. Then we collected a lot of mucous material from the upper respiratory tract, filtered it through Mandler filters. This filtered material was injected into ten volunteers, each receiving 3.5cc subcutaneously and none of these got sick… Further attempts were made to transfer the disease ‘in the natural way’ using fresh volunteers and donors. He would sit by the donor for five minutes, shake hands, and by instruction, he got as close as he conveniently could and they talked for five minutes. At the end of the five minutes, the patient breathed in and out as hard as he could while the volunteer mussel to muzzle, in accordance with his instructions, about two inches between the two, receiving this expired breath… After this was done for five minutes, the patient coughed directly into the face of the volunteer. Then the volunteer moved to the next patient and repeated this, and so on, until this volunteer had this sort of contact with ten different cases of influenza in ten different stages of influenza, mostly fresh cases, none of them more than three days old… none of them took sick in any way… Earlier attempts to demonstrate contagion with horses had met with the same resounding failure… “We entered the outbreak with the notion that we knew the cause of the disease, and were quite sure we know how it was transmitted from person to person. “Perhaps,” concluded Dr. Milton Rosenau, “if we learned anything, it was that we are not quite sure what we know about the disease.”
“Biochemists continue to think of proteins, lipids, and DNA as though they were little marbles drifting in a watery solution and colliding with one another at random. Even the thought of our nervous system is this way. When forced to, they admit parts of quantum theory, but only on a limited basis. Biological molecules were still only permitted to interact with their immediate neighbors, not to act at a distance.”
“Old knowledge about chemical bonds and enzymes in water solution now coexist with new models of electron transport chains… The water inside cells is highly structured and does not resemble the free-flowing liquid that sloshes around in a glass before you drink it. Piezoelectricity, a property of crystals, that make them useful in electronic products, that transforms mechanical stress into electronic voltages and vice versa, has been found in cellulose, collagen, horn, bone, wool, tendon, blood vessel walls, muscles, nerves, fibrin, DNA, and every type of protein examined. In other words – something most biologists have been denying for two centuries – electricity is essential to biology (essential to life).”
“Electromagnetic fields interfere with the most important job that this heme* is supposed to do for us; enabling the combustion of our food by oxygen so that we can live and breathe. Like rain on a campfire, electromagnetic douse the flames of metabolism. They reduce the activity of the cytochromes*, and there is evidence that they do so in the simplest of all possible ways; by excreting a force that alters the speed of electrons being transported along the chain of cytochromes to oxygen.”
Arthur Furstenberg, The Invisible Rainbow
Cytochrome, any of a group of hemoprotein cell components that, by readily undergoing reduction and oxidation (gain and loss of electrons) with the aid of enzymes, serve a vital function in the transfer of energy within cells.
Heme: the nonprotein, insoluble, iron protoporphyrin constituent of hemoglobin, of various other respiratory pigments, and of many cells, both animal and vegetable. It is an iron compound and constitutes the pigment portion or protein-free part of the hemoglobin molecule, and is responsible for its oxygen-carrying properties.
This is one of those head-spinning statements, difficult to fully grasp. Is the world not flat? What’s up? While I’m trying to grasp this truly astonishing paradigm myself and don’t really know much of anything, I will scratch at the surface.
Simply, classic germ theory is a Newtonian model, billiard balls clash and one infects the other. The new infected ball incubates the bug; it grows and infects the next, like dominos falling. The new model is much subtler, quantum mechanical as a metaphor, rather than classic-mechanical. David Bohm, who wrote the primer text on Quantum Mechanics described how the meaning in subtle frequencies organize or inform. Bohm states that it is not the intensity of a field but its form that gives meaning. The meaning, form, or pattern of the field of subtle energy organizes physical matter, in our case, cellular function. What he describes also applies to natural electromagnetic fields and those manmade; AC/DC, radio, radar, microwave, cellular Wi-Fi, and now, most ominously, 5G. The harm done is not thermal, though this is, indeed harmful. The most pervasive harm comes from subtle energy forms interfering with cellular functions.
The action depends only on the form of that field, not its intensity. Therefore, it is not a mechanical action, like the wave pushing a cork or a ship around. It is more like a radar wave, which is guiding the ship on automatic pilot. The form (of the field, not its intensity) gives rise to the activity… If you compare this to the ballet, you could say that the wave function (the meaning of the energetic form) is like the score, it’s a kind of information, and the dance (cell function) is the meaning of the score…
David Bohm, Ph.D.
In dialogue with Rupert Sheldrake
Dialogues with Scientists and Sages by Renee Weber
Scientists estimate that 380 trillion viruses are living inside each of us every day, along with 38 trillion bacteria. How many of those 380 trillion buggers are Corona with its 500 variations? No one knows. But let’s assume that we all have the coronavirus all the time, not unlike the well-known fact that we all have dormant cancer cells in our body, all the time. Environmental toxins, lifestyle, and/or stress trigger some to become rogue. Might something similar happen with viruses? Furstenberg’s book explores how local and global electromagnetic frequencies, from the cosmos, the sun and artificial, manmade, electrical fields might be the trigger.
Virus cells, responding to subtle electromagnetic frequencies living quite nicely inside the cells of our body, become unstable and are, to use Cowan’s metaphor, pooped out of the cells where the virus propagate like cancer cells. Instead of mechanical billiard balls or dominos causing the infection, infections are triggered within by a combination of environmental forces and preexisting weaknesses in the immune system. Why were 35 of the sailors on the Arachne not infected with the flu in1857 when 114 were? Gabor Mate, in his classic book on addiction, In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts, explores a similar question. Most US soldiers in Viet Nam used heroin but only a few became addicted. If heroin is addicting, why didn’t all the soldiers become addicted? The answer is; heroin on is not the cause of addiction, and according to the new model, viruses are not the cause of disease. What causes a virus to become infectious are environmental forces interacting with preexisting conditions in the body that compromise the immune system. What if, as Furstenberg argues, peak solar activity is the historical trigger for influenza? And as Cowan explores, artificial manmade electromagnetic frequencies may do the same.
What if the earth isn’t flat? I will leave that question for you along with a few links that pave the way.
Dr. Thomas Cowan: another perspective on Coronavirus
We are making decisions without reliable data
John P.A. Ioannidis is a professor of medicine, of epidemiology and population health, of biomedical data science, and of statistics at Stanford University and co-director of Stanford’s Meta-Research Innovation Center. – “Source”
The unreliability and inability of the current tests to diagnose the new coronavirus.
Mortality Rate for COVID-19 May Be Closer to (normal) Influenza
Infectious disease experts disagree with the WHO’s often quoted 3.4 percent mortality rate, maintaining that it is much lower. Instead of COVID-19 being 30 times more deadly than the annual influenza virus, which has an estimated mortality rate of 0.1 percent, U.S. health officials such as Anthony Fauci, MD of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) believe the mortality rate is closer to one percent, or about 10 times more fatal than seasonal influenza.