Protect Against Cognitive Decline, Dementia and Alzheimer’s

The lifetime risk of developing dementia after age 55 is 42%, more than double the risk reported earlier. Scary!
Download PDF: Daily Bread Dipping
Nine years ago, my wife and I opened an Olive Oil and Balsamic tasting boutique in Solvang, featuring the highest standards for Extra Virgin Olive Oil in the world, and a wide assortment of barrel aged Balsamics from Modena, Italy, where monks began brewing balsamic over 1,000 years ago. Diving deep into the research, fresh, high quality olive oil has numerous health benefits. As cognitive decline, dementia and Alzheimer’s continue to increase, with 42% over the age of 55 and their families expected to suffer, I began a daily healthy habit of snacking with 2-3 tablespoons of our highest antioxidant extra virgin olive oils, my favorite balsamic, and organic bread dipping. Sharing this simple, delicious, easy, satisfying, and cognitive saving powerhouse with others has become a passion.
We offer a ‘Club,’ program that gives members $20% off our olive oils and balsamic forever. I’m extending this forever discount to Touch the Future supporters at no charge, not as a sales pitch. Rather, because I sincerely believe that this simple daily habit can help everyone keep their brain healthy and whole. This is not an option in our increasingly toxic world.
Download PDF: TTF Friends Special Offer
Nature Medicine, January 13, 2025. Researchers from NYU Langone Health and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of PublicHealth analyzed data from 15,043 participants in a community-based, prospective cohort study. They found that the lifetime risk of developing dementia after age 55 is 42%. Much higher that previous estimates.
Today, 60% of Americans, children and adults, suffer from one or more chronic conditions. Up 700% from the 1930s. Obesity rates have reached 40% and continue to climb. Life expectancy in the U.S. declining, despite (or caused) by all of our technological advancements.
Daily Bread Dipping
Studies keep rolling in. Small, consistent changes in daily habits often lead to significant health improvements. Two or three tablespoons of “high-quality” Extra Virgin Olive Oil each day may help prevent a long list of ailments including Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Daily bread dipping may be the easiest, most convenient, and powerful way to meet the two-three tablespoon recommendation for High Antioxidant Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Michael Mendizza
Not only is our food contaminated with pesticides and chemicals. Environmental Sciences Europe: over 8.6 billion kilograms of glyphosate, 8.6 million tons have been applied globally since 1974. This is in addition to all the other chemicals and toxins dumped in the environment.
Growing evidence links soil health and human health. To match the nutritional content of one apple in 1950, you would need to eat about 100 apples today.
To get the same amount of vitamin C from one apple 65 years ago, you would have to eat 100 today. You would need 21 oranges to find the same concentration of vitamin A as our grandparents found in only one. Broccoli in 2015 has 4 times less calcium as 60 years ago! This is due to the decline in nutrient levels over the years, largely attributed to changes in chemical agricultural practices.

The claim that you would need to eat about 100 apples today to match the nutritional content of one apple in 1950 is often attributed to a report by Brian Halweil, a researcher at the Worldwatch Institute. This report, titled “Still No Free Lunch,” discusses how the nutritional quality of fruits and vegetables has declined over the decades due to factors like soil depletion, changes in farming practices, and the selection of crop varieties for higher yields rather than nutritional value.
Making things worse, about 60% of the American diet consists of processed foods, including soda, fast food, packaged foods, frozen meals, sweets, cereals, and canned soup. These foods are often high in sodium, added sugars, and artificial additives while offering limited nutritional value. Consuming a high percentage of processed or fast food can lead to several health impacts, both in the short-term and long-term.
I found that dipping with fresh organic bread and my favorite balsamic is the perfect midday snack. It is quick, easy, convenient, and satisfying. Some of the higher ‘robust’ antioxidant rich extra virgin olive oils however, taste bitter and peppery. Dipping with bread and a delicious balsamic, is like Marry Poppins singing, “A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down…”

Of course, this Healthy Habit isn’t just for Grandma. Invite pregnant moms, dads, teens and all the kids. Studies show positive results of high antioxidant extra virgin olive oil with those suffering from autism spectrum, ASD. Everyone can improve their life deliciously, one dip at a time. See the studies below.
Let’s get started. Try our convenient premixed tasters with High Antioxidant +500ppm EVOO and our most savory balsamics; Aged Mission Fig, Blackberry Ginger, Lavender, Blueberry, or Neapolitan Herb, Pomegranate, Rich Raspberry and Traditional.

Each taster offers two daily servings. A four pack will keep you going all week. Try them all. Then, pick two or three flavors that keep calling you back. You will want our large 750ml size of EVOO and medium 350ml for balsamic.

We love what we do.
Download PDF: TTF Friends Special Offer
Download PDF: Daily Bread Dipping