
Keeping wonder alive

Keeping wonder alive — Kids need to figure it out by themselves.

Unconditional acceptance — Easiest one to say and the hardest one to do – unconditional acceptance. We need unconditional acceptors in our life, people who absolutely love us no matter what.

Childhood is a whisper in time — Childhood is just a whisper in time. All the sudden they’re going to be 5 and they’re going to be 10 and you’re going to wonder how that happened. It is a whisper, just a whisper, and it will be gone.

Support for parents – professional help — There’s a place where we need to know when we need professional help and while I think the idea of professional help to me is to get help and move on. It’s not to perhaps stay in therapy forever, that’s just somebody else’s point of view.

Children need experiences to attach words to — Kids have experience to attach words to.

Support for parents in crisis — There are also crisis people, chicken soup people, people who show up when they know that you’re tired and you’re weary and they take your kids and they bring the soup.