
Michael Mendizza

Writer, Filmmaker

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Might Be Wrong2

What if everything you have been told might be wrong?


  What we call ‘science’ begins with a hypothesis, a theoretical proposal, followed by a series of repeatable experiments that attempt to prove or disprove the theory. Over time, assumptions about proof or truth become fixed. Dogma replaces inquiry, leading ...

Real Cirriculum

The real curriculum


Compulsory schooling was designed to imprint conformity, obedience to authority, and negate creativity and personal sovereignty to domesticate our uniquely human nature, open-ended development, to fit into “the system.” This fundamental design has been intensified by surveillance technologies being seamlessly ...


If Machines Replace Teachers


It is being proposed that technology, artificial intelligence, more properly ‘machine learning’, can and will soon replace human teachers and physical classrooms, that digital systems will tease, challenge and program each student with interactive screen experiences that will lead to ...

From Here 7

What is the meaning of education?


If today is a typical day on planet Earth, we will lose 116 square miles of rainforest, or about an acre a second. We will lose another 72 square miles to encroaching deserts, as a result of human mismanagement and ...

From Here4

Inviting the Miraculous


Assumptions regarding education are like coke-bottle glasses, thick and dense. How is it possible that an industrial-revolution structure remains appropriate for a post-technological global-brain where the mobile computer in your pocket has twice or five-times the computing power of the ...

The Elites

Mass Education and Mass Media Do The Same Thing, But Differently


Speaking with a colleague whose husband had, what we plebeians (commoners) would call, an aristocratic title, noted, “He was bred to believe he was superior.” From his perspective what we might call arrogant is simply how reality is. When one’s ...

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