
Being self-directed

Being self-directed

One of the things that I want for children more than anything else in the world is to be self-directed, self-evaluators. To be able to look at what they’ve done and to wonder about it. To be either dissatisfied or satisfied to try it again.

We have made learning so boring

We have made lessons so boring, so demeaning.

Young children are egocentric

Young children, and it’s so obvious when you watch them, are egocentric. Their main concern is themselves. They don’t the ability to share.

Power with not over children

Power over children means that you’ve got a set of rules and if they get broken then you do something to punish the child instead of assisting the child through this.

Eleven play conditions

There are eleven conditions that I talk about that exist only in play.

Creating a safe place for risk

There has to be is an element of risk.